Pulp Idol Firsts 2020

Book cover of Pulp Idol Firsts 2020


Pulp Idol is a novel writing competition run by Liverpool’s longest running writing and literary organisation, Writing on the Wall. Many new novelists, including Ariel Khan – Raising Sparks, James Rice – Alice and the Fly, John Donoghue – The Death’s Head Chess Club and Clare Coombes – Definitions, have found their first success through Pulp Idol. This is a competition that is unearthing the best new novelists from Liverpool and across the country.

Congratulations Kim Wiltshire, the winner of this year’s Pulp Idol 2020 followed by Natalie Denny and Lewis Jennings as joint runners up.

Pulp Idol was born out of a desire to achieve two things: to give a platform to the literary talent across the region and find an outlet for it by building a bridge between the national publishing industry and Merseyside. We have achieved this and more, with over ten writers finding success through publication and commissions, and more and more agents and publishers looking out for the latest batch of Pulp Idol finalists and signing them up. We now also welcome the many writers taking part from across the country.

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