Home contains stories, pictures and poems from adults and children that are members of PSS Prisoner Families Project. PSS Prisoner Families supports children and families with a parent of close relative inn prison. Like the headlines in the papers, society is often too quick to judge and label people or put them in boxes. PSS and Writing on the Wall created this book to challenge perceptions and bring together our children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, students and staff in solidarity to celebrate the highs and share the weight of the lows, to see the beauty in the different shapes and sizes that families come in.
“These fantastic families, working together with PSS and Writing on the Wall, write with open hearts about the past, present and future. Writers, young and old, exploring who they are, in their homes, their communities, and their world. I feel very proud to have met many of these inspirational, imaginative children and adults, and have very much enjoyed reading Home.” – Louise Fazackerley
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